Wednesday, 30 March 2011

 Wednesday, yes, it's Wednesday already.

Last post was Sunday, wasn't it? Forgive me, the old memory's been a bit fuzzy of late. Anyway, no big developments recently, the life of Barnes continues. I saw my friend Chuck the other day - we met for lunch (which he paid for, phew!) and of course he gave me the "Everett, you've got to get a job speech" (easy for Mister steady accountant to say).
Though a job would be beneficial, especially if I want to carry on this blog.
*Heavy sigh.*
Chuck is one of my only friends - yes, I know that sounds pitiful and dramatic, but it's true. Ever since I upped sticks, left my home and flock and moved to the city, I've been bit of a recluse.
Left my flock. There, I've said it. I knew it would come out sooner or later. (Charlie is shaking his head at me right now - "Attention seeker," he's saying. Internet, meet Charlie. Charlie says hi.)
Tell it to me straight, do I look mad now?
Ok, to clear something up - until four years ago, I was a priest. Following in my evangelistic father's footsteps,  preaching at our local church and generally doing my best to spread the good word in as affable a manner as possible.
I was really very happy with my life, despite my father's frankly frightening fervour (oh my, look at that alliteration!)
And then one day, "I lost my way" as my dad later described it. Not without reason, mind. We were both to blame, but that doesn't stop me hating him, and hating myself, and hating the whole of Paverstown.

Oh look, I've gone and made myself miserable now. Even Charlie has pissed off.
Sorry guys.
- Everett.

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